Already Registered? LogIn
You are responsible for collecting and remitting sales tax to each state beginning with your “registration date”.
Total Active Registrations: 31,465
(30.6% of the businesses registered through the SSTRS contract with a CSP™)
(as of 2/28/2025)
Streamlined Full Member States
Click on state for state specific information
Associate Member States
When you register through the Streamlined Sales Tax Registration System (SSTRS):
If you are already registered in a state, you may still use the SSTRS.
Simply check the box next to the state(s) indicating you are "Already Registered."
This information will help prevent states from issuing duplicate registrations. Most states will just add your Streamlined Sales Tax ID (SSTID) to your current account.
When you register through the SSTRS, your registration information will only be transmitted to those states in which you elected to register.
If you are unsure if you are required to collect and remit sales tax contact that state to determine your requirements. You may also review information on the state’s website and Remote Seller, Marketplace Seller, and Marketplace Facilitator State Guidelines. Links to this information are available on each state’s information page.
Sellers that are not required to register may still choose to register and collect and remit sales tax.
If you register through the Streamlined Registration system you will be registered in each Streamlined State you select and will be required to collect and remit sales tax in each of those states.
If you do not have sales that are sourced (delivered) into a Streamlined State but agree to collect sales tax in the states in which you have sales, you can register using the SSTRS.
You can select the states that you need to be registered in. If you meet the registration requirements in another state at a later date, you can add that states registration then.
Contact a Certified Service Provider (CSP) to discuss the services they provide under their contract with the Streamlined Sales Tax Governing Board. If you choose to contract with a CSP, the CSP will register your business for you.
The CSP will provide the software and services necessary to:
Who can use a CSP: Any seller registered through the Streamlined Registration system. The CSP will provide services for all Streamlined States you are registered for through the SSTRS.
Cost: Under the CSP contract, the CSP will not charge you for these services provided for your business in the Streamlined States in which you qualify as a “CSP-compensated seller.” (Do you qualify for Free Services?)
A CSP may charge for services in states in which you are not a CSP-compensated seller and for services beyond the services required by the CSP contract.
Not a "CSP-Compensated Seller": CSPs provide services to all types of sellers and may provide services in states that are not Streamlined States.
Entity Type: Corporation, Government, LLC, Partnership, Sole Proprietor, Trust, Other. Entity Type indicates how your business is organized.
Federal Employer Identification Number or Social Security Number: Enter your Federal Employer's Identification Number (FEIN) if you have one. To apply for a FEIN, go to and request form SS-4. If the business is a sole proprietorship and you do not have a FEIN, enter the Social Security Number of the owner. If you have a USA address, you are required to enter a FEIN or SSN. If you do not have FEIN or Social Security Number and do not have a USA address, select "Other." An identification number will be assigned when you submit your registration.
Business Name (Legal Name): Enter the legal name of the business. That is, the name of the corporation, LLC, partnership, Trust, etc. (Examples J & J Corporation, John Doe and Jane Person Partnership, Jan Doe Trust). If the business is a sole proprietorship, enter the name of the person that owns the business.
Doing Business as Name (DBA)
Business Phone Number
NAICS Code: North American Industry Classification System used to classify types of Businesses. Select a category that describes the principal product or service you sell. Look up a code at:
State of Incorporation / Organization: Enter the state your business is incorporated or where the company is organized. For a Sole Proprietor, this is the state where your business is located.
Business Location Address: Street address for the Entity listed as the Legal Name
Mailing Address: This is the address states will mail information to. This may include registration information, bills, refunds and other correspondence. If a seller contracts with a Certified Service Provider (CSP), the CSP may enter their mailing address.
Contact person’s name, phone and email
Registration Date: This is the date you will begin collecting tax for that state if you were not already registered. This date may be different for each state and cannot be more than 60 days in the future.
States in which you are already registered: Already registered in a state means you already have an active license to collect and remit sales and use tax in that state. States cross check registration information to prevent duplicate registrations.
States where you are a remote seller: A remote seller is generally a seller that sells products for delivery into a state in which that seller does not have a physical presence or other legal requirement to register. This includes all remote sellers, whether or not they have met the state's economic nexus threshold.
When you submit the registration, you are issued a SSTID and are registered in each state you selected.
Most states will send registration and reporting information within 15 days after you register.
Some states may require additional information to complete your registration, such as corporate officer information. The state will let you know if additional information is needed.
1. Did you contract with a CSP?
If you contracted with a CSP, the CSP will file the sales tax returns and remit the sales tax for you each month to each Streamlined states you are registered in through the SSTRS.
2. Filing your returns
If you did not contract with a CSP, you are responsible for filing the sales tax returns with each state using their online filing systems. The state’s registration letter will have information as to how frequent you will need to file the returns.
All states in which you are registered expect you to file returns each reporting period even if you have no tax to report. You are required to file returns even if you no longer meet the Remote Seller Threshold for that state. If you no longer meet the Remote Seller Threshold contact the state to determine if you can cancel your registration.
Some states may have you file as needed or on a "casual" filing basis. That means you file when you have sales.
If you registered prior to February 11, 2019, and you indicated you did not have sales in a state when you registered, but you now have sales, contact that state to have them set your account up to accept returns. You are registered in the state and will not be required to re-register.
Do not ignore notices from a state. If you do not understand why you received a notice, contact the state as soon as possible to discuss.
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Make changes to your DBA (doing business as name), your physical or mailing address, and contact information in by logging in at Click on “I Want to Update My Existing Registration”, then select “Update Business and Contact Information” to make any changes to the contact information and email address.
Each Streamlined State you are registered in through the SSTRS will receive the updated information within a few days. Some states may send you a new registration letter or license with the updated information.
If you do not know the password please email
If the contact person is no longer with your company and you do not have the password and cannot reset your password, email Include the new contact person's name, phone number and email. The request to update the contact person will need to come from the owner or a officer.
If your business name changes AND your FEIN remains the same, send a copy of the IRS Letter 252C AND the Secretary of State authorization for the name change to Be sure to include your SSTID #.
States will require a document from the IRS showing the FEIN and new business name before they will update their records.
SST Administration will update your account and notify the states of this change. Some states may send you an updated registration letter or license.
If your business name changes and your FEIN changes, you will need to end (cancel) your registration and register using the new business name and new FEIN.
If your FEIN has changed, you will need to cancel the existing registration and register the entity using the new FEIN.
If you made an error entering your FEIN while registering, please send an email to explaining the error and provide documentation showing the correct FEIN and legal name.
SST Administration will update your account and notify the states of this change.
Documentation should be from the IRS:
IRS letter SS-4 issuing the FEIN
IRS letter 147C that verifies the FEIN
Log in at using your SSTID and password.
If you have closed or sold your business or need to create a new registration because you have changed your Federal Identification Number, select "End Registration in All States".
Select "out of business"
Enter your "Last Date of Sales". This is the date your registration will end. If you have a current CSP, you will only be able to select the last day of last month, this month or next month.
If you do not want to be registered through SSTRS for any state, Select "End Registration in All States" and enter your Last Date of Sales.
Streamlined member states will close your sales tax account on the date you indicated.
If you are still in business, but no longer wish to be registered through the SSTRS for a specific state, go to "Edit State Registrations." You may end your registration through the SSTRS for any selected states or all states at any time.
Note: If you need to end your registration back more than the 60 days the system will allow, please send an email explaining which states should be ended, the date to end the registration and the reason, to
Yes, You can end your registration in a state in which you have no sales if you have no other legal requirement to be registered.
You may end your registration through SSTRS at any time.
If you are out of business, have sold your business, or have a new FEIN or new ownership type, you should select "End my Registration in ALL States." This will end your access to that SSTID through the SSTRS.
If you are just ending your registration in selected states, go to "Edit State Registrations". You can end the registration in selected or all states on that page. This will keep your SSTID active in the SSTRS, allowing you to reregister at any time if needed.
You are responsible for filing returns through your last date of business and must remit any tax due to each state.
Note: If you need to end your registration back more than the 60 days the system will allow, please send an email explaining which states should be ended, the date to end the registration and the reason, to
Ending your registration does not remove your liability to any state in which you are legally required to be registered to collect and remit taxes. Please contact the state directly if you owe any taxes or are required to be registered for sales or use tax.
Amnesty: If you received an amnesty from any Streamlined Member State, you will lose that amnesty if you cancel your registration within 36 months of registration.
Are you currently under contract with a Certified Service Provider?
If so please contact the CSP to cancel or end your registration