SLAC Chair

Merry Hopkins (MN) - Chair

Alexander Fant (OH) - Vice-Chair


SLAC Steering Committee
Lisa Haws (OK)
Blaine Kreikemeier (NE)
Matt Largent (WA)
Mike Bailey - Government Finance Officers Association
Dave Schmiedicke - US Conference of Mayors 



SLAC Delegates

State and Local Advisory Council


The State and Local Government Advisory Council (SLAC) is an advisory body whose purpose is to provide a forum for state and local government officials not represented on the Governing Board.  SLAC provides them the ability to express their ideas and concerns and have a formal process to bring those concerns to the Governing Board. 

The committee is comprised of representatives from each member state as well as the local governmental units and those states that are not members of the Governing Board.

SLAC has a chair and vice chair appointed by the President and an elected steering committee.

SLAC meets in person four times a year and by teleconference as needed throughout the year.  Workgroups are typically formed to research specific issues and will meet by teleconference as needed.

Primary Responsibilities Include:

  • Providing advice to the Governing Board on matters pertaining to the administration of the SSUTA
  • Developing and vetting amendments and rules related to the SSUTA
  • Reviewing states who petition for membership to determine their compliance

State and Local Advisory Council Steering Committee

This committee is comprised of nine persons that are elected by the Council.  The chair and co-chair of the Council are appointed annually by the President, with approval of the Executive Committee. At least two of the members (but not more than three) will be local government representatives.

Primary Responsibilities Include:

  • Oversee the direction and projects taken on by SLAC
Reference: ByLaws, Article Eight, A., SSUTA Section 810 and Rule 810.2