
   Rep. Brian Kennedy (RI)
1st Vice President 
   Lance Wilkinson (MI)
2nd Vice President 
   Representative Adam Smith (KS)
   Richard Dobson (KY)


Senator Ann Rest (MN)
Andrew Furuseth (NC)
Nate Weber (WI) 
Senator Tim Reed (SD)
Senator Brad Bekkedahl (ND) 

Immediate Past President

Michael Walsh (NE) (2025)

Governing Board


The Streamlined Sales Tax® organization is led by an Executive Director who is hired by the Executive Committee. The Governing Board itself is made up of representatives from each of the Member States. There are also various other Committees, some of which are elected by the Member State representatives and others which are appointed by the SSTGB President and approved by the Executive Committee.   See the Governing Board Organizational chart.

Membership is open to any state of the United States of America, the District of Columbia and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico that is in compliance with the SSUTA as provided in Section 805. To be a member, the entity must submit a petition for membership the required documents to the Governing Board and be approved by the existing members of the Governing Board.

Each member state:

  • May appoint up to four representatives to the Governing Board. The representatives shall be members of the executive or legislative branches of the state or of a local government of that state.
  • Has one vote on the Governing Board, unless otherwise restricted.

Primary responsibilities include:

  • Administration and operation of the SSUTA. 
  • Approving any amendments and interpretations related to the SSUTA, Rules and Bylaws
  • Determining each member state’s compliance with the requirements of the SSUTA
  • Electing the Officers and Directors of the Executive Committee
 Reference: Reference: ByLaws, SSUTA Section 806 – Agreement Administration