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You are responsible for collecting and remitting sales tax to each state beginning with your “registration date”.
Total Active Registrations: 31,465
(30.6% of the businesses registered through the SSTRS contract with a CSP™)
(as of 2/28/2025)
Streamlined Full Member States
Click on state for state specific information
Associate Member States
The Streamlined Sales Tax® Member states created the Streamlined Sales Tax® Registration System (SSTRS) to provide you a simple and free system to register for sales and use tax in their states.
What this registration is for: A permit or license to collect and remit sales and use tax in the states you select. You are required to register in each state in which you have met the physical or economic nexus standards or any other requirement of the state. You may register directly with the state or through the SSTRS. Contact the state for other taxes or licensing requirements you may have.
Who can register: Any seller may register, even if you are already registered in a state.
Who must register through the SSTRS: Any seller that wants to contract with a Certified Service Provider™ (CSP™). The CSP will provide services for each Streamlined Sales Tax State you are registered in through the SSTRS.
Cost: There is no fee to register through the SSTRS. (Note: A state may charge a fee if you are legally required to register in that state.)
Reporting Sales Tax: Sales tax is reported and paid directly to each state, using the state's online filing system based on the filing frequency that state sets. Returns must be filed even if you have no sales in that state. Most states will send you registration and reporting information within 15 business days. (No returns are filed through the Streamlined Sales Tax Registration System.)
Important: Except for states offering amnesty, registering through this system does not relieve you of any tax liability you may have relating to prior sales or purchases. Contact the state to discuss your registration requirements and any prior tax liability.
A Certified Service Provider™ (CSP™) provides the software and services necessary to calculate the sales or use tax due on a transaction, prepare and file the required returns and make the remittances to each Streamlined State you are registered for through this system.
Learn more about CSPsTM and if you qualify for free CSPTM services before you register.
If you are interested in using a CSP, contact the CSP to discuss their software and services before you register. The CSP can register your business. If you register prior to the date you and the CSP agree the CSP will begin filing returns and making remittances on your behalf, you are responsible for filing the returns until the CSP begins filing. (If you need to file returns prior to being under contract with a CSP you can register at any time.)
Do you qualify for free sales tax calculation and reporting services? Learn more before you register
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The following providers are certified by the Streamlined Sales Tax™ Governing Board.
The following CSP's systems are certified by the Streamlined Sales Tax States, but they are not currently offering free services under Streamlined's CSP program.