Merry Hopkins (MN) - Chair
Alexander Fant (OH) - Vice-Chair
SLAC Steering Committee
Lisa Haws (OK)
Blaine Kreikemeier (NE)
Matt Largent (WA)
Mike Bailey - Government Finance Officers Association
Dave Schmiedicke - US Conference of Mayors
Workgroups are formed to research specific issues and will meet by teleconference as needed. If you are interested in participating in any of the workgroups please email Bobbie Stellner.
SL25005 - SLAC Work Request – Sales Tax Holiday Definitions
Should sales tax holiday definitions be moved to product definitions?
Should sales tax holidays be allowed on all tangible personal property?
How are periodic payments treated during a sales tax holiday?
SL25004 - SLAC Work Request – Delivery Network Companies – Disclosed Practice
Delivery Network Companies request disclosed practice(s) regarding sales tax charged by both retailers and by DNCs on the same products sold to the customer.
Work Group Request Digital Codes
BAC proposal to expand the use of the “digital codes” look-through rule beyond specified digital products.
Define “Marijuana and Products Containing Marijuana” for purposes of the exclusion in Section 106.
SL24012 - SLAC Work Request - Grooming and Hygiene
The New Jersey Dental Association (NJDA) is requesting that the definition of “grooming and hygiene products for human use that don’t meet the definition of ‘drug’” be modified to remove oral healthcare products for personal use such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash, dental floss, tooth powders, and other similar oral products. The proposed outcome is a new SSUTA definition in Section 327, Appendix C for “oral healthcare products” that includes the products listed above.
SL24011 SLAC Work Request- Multiple State Rates
Request to allow states to have multiple state sales tax rates in certain situations.
Work Group Request Disclosed Practices- Remote Sellers
AM24004A01 Passed 5-16-2024 DP 89.1.o. Elimination of Transactional Economic Nexus Threshold - when and if a seller can cancel a registration after a state eliminates the transactional economic nexus threshold.
AM23014A02 Passed 5-16-2024 DP 8.1.n Registration and Collection Requirements for Remote Sellers who do not Have any Taxable Sales in the State.
AM23012A01 Failed 5/16/2024 Best Practice 8.1.c Calculation Basis for Economic Nexus Threshold.
AM24006A03 - Passed 10/8/24 - DP 8.1.c. Attendance at Trade Shows.
AM24010 - Passed 10/8/24 - DP 8.3.k Voluntary Registration
AM24012 - Passed 10/8/24 - DP 8.1.p, 8.2.h, 8.3.r. Secretary of State Registration
SL23030 SLAC work Request - Menstrual Products Definition
Proposed name change and clarification of the definition of “feminine hygiene products”.
Result: AM23010 passed 11-6-2023 modifying definition of Menstrual Discharge Collection Devises and providing states an option to include or exclude a) period underwear; and/or b) all other clothing items marketed for menstrual discharge collection devises.
Work Group request Delivery Charges Toggle
Should an amendment to the Agreement be adopted to give states the option to retain, within the definition of “sales price,” delivery charges involving or relating to sales of electricity, natural gas, or artificial gas by a utility if the state elects to generally exclude delivery charges from the definition of “sales price” that are separately stated on the invoice, billing, or similar document given to the purchaser?
Result: AM23003 passed 5/23/2023 which amended the sales price definition to allow a toggle to exclude certain delivery charges.
Work Group Request - Voting
How is the denominator determined when calculating “the ¾ of the entire Governing Board” need for a particular vote to pass. Are sanctioned states included? Are Associate members included?
Result: AM23006, AM23002, AM23001A01, BL23002A01 BL23001, RP23002 passed 5-23-2023
Work Group Request Sales Tax Holidays
Issue 1 - Should SST develop additional sales tax holiday definitions?
Gun Safety SL23007, resolved with AM24003 passed 5-16-24
School Clothing SL23008, resolved with AM23009A01passed 11-7-23-see issue 2
Issue 2 - What is “sales tax holiday” versus a “regular” exemption with a sunset?
Result: AM23009A01 passed on November 7 2023:
Work Group Request Economic Nexus Threshold Best Practices
Should SST develop best practices related to economic nexus thresholds?
5-23-2023 AM23007 passed Disclosed Practice 8.1.d.i Remote Seller Transactional Economic Nexus Threshold, added Best Practice: States do not have a transactional economic nexus threshold.
5/16/24 AM23013A01 passed Disclosed Practice 8.1.j Time When Registration is Required, added Best Practice: The State does not require a Remote Seller to register and begin collecting and remitting the tax sooner than the first day of the first calendar month that begins 30 days after meeting or exceeding the state's threshold.
Result: The workgroup concluded that action was not needed at the present time because no states are currently seeking permanent exemptions for personal protective equipment. The Governing Board was advised of this at its October 2021 meeting and no states or members of the public expressed concerns with the development of a whitepaper instead of an amendment to the Agreement.
Sections 305, 306, 307, 310 and 311
Issue: Proper calculation of the tax on sales of digital goods and liability relief if only a 5-digit zip code is obtained.
AM24002A02 Passed 5/15/24, 2nd vote passed 7-18-24. Provides a state may use the highest blended rate, when jurisdictions for an address have multiple rates, provides that a seller must request address or zip9 information to obtain liability relief and when liability relief is provided.
Result: AM21006 (passed 10-5-2021) Amended Part II of Appendix C to allow states to either tax or exempt items that would become prepared food if a seller exceeds the 75% test and makes utensils available. Incorporated the 75% test established in Interpretive Opinion 2006-04 into the definition of “Prepared food”.
The State and Local Advisory Council has received a work request form (see attached) to develop further clarification for "not defined" terms in Appendix L and Disclosed Practice 7.
Interpretation Request sent to SLAC by CRIC and approved by Governing Board 10-15-2020February 2019
Section 209, 310, and 311
Issue: Sourcing of Services. This will continue the discussion of how services are sourced resulting in the development of an interpretive rule or tax administration practices.
Result: Per discussion no action required.Section 308.C. Uniform Tax Returns - Simplified Electronic Return (SER)
Issue: States imposes taxes other than sales tax that are currently reported on the state sales tax returns. The SER only allows for reporting of sales tax, potentially resulting in sellers filing filing multiple returns each reporting period. Should the SER be expanded to allow reporting of taxes, other than sales tax. Discussion will include potential changes to the SER to accommodate other reporting requirements by the states.
Result: Referred to Certification Committee May 6, 2019
Section 310 and 311
Issue: Digital product issues such as sourcing. This will include discussion of the Federal Bill (Digital Goods Fairness Act).