Rate and Boundary Files Updates


The following updated files are available as of the date listed.

12/20/2024 TN Rate File (TNR2025Q1DEC20)

12/20/2024 SD Boundary File (SDB2025Q1DEC19)

12/16/2024 AR Rate File (ARR2025Q1DEC16)

12/16/2024 TN Rate File (TNR2025Q1DEC16)

12/11/2024 VT Boundary File (VTB2025Q1DEC11)

12/6/2024 VT Boundary File (VTB2025Q1DEC06)

12/5/2024 NE Boundary File (NEB2025Q1DEC04)

12/5/2024 AR Rate and Boundary Files (ARR2025Q1DEC04 and ARB2025Q1DEC04)

12/3/2024 WA Rate and Boundary Files (WAR2025Q1DEC3 and WAB2025Q1DEC3)


12/2/2024 2025 1st Quarter Rate and Boundary Files


11/21/2024 OH Boundary File (OHB2024Q4NOV15)

10/21/2024 OK Boundary File (OKB2024Q4OCT21)

10/18/2024 WY Boundary File (WYB2024Q4OCT15)

10/17/2024 OK Boundary File (OKB2024Q4OCT16)

9/23/2024 SD Boundary File (SDB2024Q4SEP19)

9/20/2024 KS Rate File (KSR2024Q4SEP20)

9/17/2024 AR Boundary File (ARB2024Q4SEP13)

9/16/2024 NE Boundary File (NEB2024Q4SEP16)

9/3/2024 KS Alternate Boundary File (KSA2024Q4SEP3)

9/3/2024 VT Boundary File (VTB2024Q4AUG20)


8/30/2024 2024 4th Quarter Rate and Boundary Files


8/29/2024 OK Rate File (OKR2024Q3AUG29)

7/23/2024 WI Boundary File (WIB2024Q3JUL22)

7/15/2024 TN Boundary File (TNB2024Q3JUL12)

7/9/2024 NE Boundary File (NEB2024Q3JUL09)

6/26/2024 OK Boundary File (OKB2024Q3JUN25)

6/26/2024 KS Rate File (KSR2024Q3JUN25)

6/26/2024 KS Boundary and Alternate Boundary Files (KSB2024Q3JUN25 and KSA2024Q3JUN25)

6/17/2024 OK Boundary File (OKB2024Q3JUN17)

6/14/2024 OK Boundary File (OKB2024Q3JUN14)

6/13/2024 AR Boundary File (ARB2024Q3JUN13)

6/7/2024 OK Boundary File (OKB2024Q3JUN07)

6/5/2024 NE Boundary File (NEB2024Q3JUN04)

6/4/2024 OK Boundary File (OKB2024Q3JUN04)

6/4/2024 AR Rate and Boundary Files (ARR2024Q3JUN04 and ARB2024Q3JUN04)


5/31/2024 2024 3rd Quarter Rate and Boundary Files


4/16/2024 TN Rate File (TNR2024Q2APR16)

4/12/2024 NE Boundary File (NEB2024Q2APR12)

4/10/2024 SD Boundary File (SDB2024Q2APR10)

4/10/2024 NE Boundary File (NEB2024Q2APR10)

4/8/2024 OK Boundary Files (OKB2024Q2APR05)

4/5/2024 WA Rate File (WAR2024Q2APR05)

3/25/2024 NE Boundary File (NEB2024Q2MAR25)

3/18/2024 NE Boundary File (NEB2024Q2MAR16)

3/8/2024 WI Boundary File (WIB2024Q2MAR07)

3/6/2024 OK Rate and Boundary Files (OKR2024Q2MAR05 and OKB2024Q2MAR05)

3/6/2024 MN Boundary File (MNB2024Q2MAR05)

3/5/2024 NE Boundary File (NEB2024Q2MAR05)

3/5/2024 SD Boundary File (SDB2024Q2MAR5)


3/1/2024 2024 2nd Quarter Rate and Boundary Files


1/27/2024 SD Boundary File (SDB2024Q1JAN26)

12/21/2023 KS Rate File (KSR2024Q1DEC21)

12/13/2023 ND Boundary File (NDB2024Q1DEC12)

12/12/2023 GA Boundary File (GAB2024Q1DEC12)

12/12/2023 SD Rate File (SDR2024Q1DEC12)

12/11/2023 AR Rate File (ARR2024Q1DEC06)

12/11/2023 OK Boundary File (OKB2024Q1DEC8)


12/1/2023 2024 1st Quarter Rate and Boundary Files


11/3/2023 SD Boundary File (SDB2023Q4NOV2)

10/26/2023 NE Boundary File (NEB2023Q4OCT24)

10/16/2023 SD Boundary File (SDB2023Q4OCT16)

9/29/2023 SD Boundary File (SDB2023Q3JUN15)

9/22/2023 NE Boundary File (NEB2023Q4SEP22)

9/14/2023 WI Rate and Boundary Files (WIR2023Q4SEP14 and WIB2023Q4SEP14)

9/13/2023 AR Boundary File (ARB2023Q4SEP13)

9/11/2023 WI Boundary File (WIB2023Q4SEP11)

9/11/2023 NE Boundary File (NEB2023Q4SEP11)

9/8/2023 MN Rate and Boundary Files (MNR2023Q4SEP08 and MNB2023Q4SEP08)

9/6/2023 AR Boundary File (ARB2023Q4SEP06)

9/6/2023 SD Boundary File (SDB2023Q4SEP6)

9/6/2023 WI Boundary File (WIB2023Q4SEP6)

9/5/2023 MN Rate and Boundary Files (MNR2023Q4SEP5 and MNB2023Q4SEP5)

9/5/2023 NE Boundary File (NEB2023Q4SEP05)


9/1/2023 2023 4th Quarter Rate and Boundary Files


8/14/2023 GA Boundary File (GAB2023Q3AUG14)

7/21/2023 NE Boundary File (NEB2023Q3JUL21)

7/5/2023 AR Boundary File (ARB2023Q3JUL5)

7/3/2023 NE Boundary File (NEB2023Q3JUL3)

7/3/2023 SD Rate File (SDR2023Q3JUN27)

6/28/2023 OK Boundary File (OKB2023Q3JUN26)

6/22/2023 OH Boundary File (OHB2023Q3JUN22)

6/22/2023 OK Boundary File (OKB2023Q3JUN21)

6/15/2023 SD Boundary File (SDB2023Q3JUN15)

6/14/2023 NE Boundary File (NEB2023Q3JUN14)

6/14/2023 WV Boundary File (WVB2023Q3JUN12)

6/14/2023 WV Rate File (WVR2023Q3JUN12)

6/12/2023 SD Rate File (SDR2023Q3JUN09)

6/12/2023 VT Boundary File (VTB2023Q3JUN9)

6/8/2023 MN Boundary File (MNB2023Q3Jun8)

6/8/2023 OK Boundary File (OKB2023Q3JUN7)

6/8/2023 SD Rate File (SDR2023Q3JUN06)

6/7/2023 VT Boundary File (VTB2023Q3JUN6)

6/7/2023 ND Boundary File (NDB2023Q3JUN6)

6/7/2023 AR Rate and Boundary Files (ARB2023Q3JUN5 and ARR2023Q3JUN6)

6/2/2023 TN Boundary File (TNB2023Q3JUN01)


6/1/2023 2023 3rd Quarter Rate and Boundary Files


5/9/2023 VT Rate File (VTR2023Q2MAY02)

4/17/2023 KS Rate File (KSR2023Q2APR17)

4/5/2023 GA Rate File (GAR2023Q2APR04)

3/31/2023 SD Boundary File (SDB2023Q2MAR31)

3/31/2023 KS Alternate Boundary File (KSA2023Q2MAR30)

3/30/2023 OK Boundary File (OKB2023Q2MAR29)

3/28/2023 SD Boundary File (SDB2023Q2MAR28)

3/22/2023 OK Boundary File (OKB2023Q2MAR22)

3/16/2023 UT Rate File (UTR2023Q2MAR14)

3/15/2023 OK Boundary File (OKBQ2023MAR9)

3/10/2023 OK Boundary File (OKBQ22023MAR9)

3/8/2023 SD Boundary File (SDB2023Q2MAR8)

3/7/2023 GA Boundary File (GAB2023Q2MAR07)

3/2/2023 AR Boundary File (ARB2023Q2MAR2)

3/2/2023 GA Boundary File (GAB2023Q2FEB20)

3/1/2023 AR Rate and Boundary Files (ARB2023Q2MAR1 and ARR2023Q2MAR1)

3/1/2023 WA Rate and Boundary Files (WAB2023Q2MAR1 and WAR2023Q2MAR1)

3/1/2023 SD Boundary File (SDB2023Q2MAR01)

3/1/2023 GA Rate File (GAR2023Q2MAR01)

3/1/2023 OK Boundary File (SOKB2023Q2MAR1)


2/28/2023 2023 2nd Quarter Rate and Boundary Files


1/6/2023 OH Rate File (OHR2023Q1JAN06)

1/4/2023 SD Boundary File (SDB2023Q1JAN4)

12/29/2022 VT Boundary File (VTB2023Q1DEC29)

12/28/2022 WA Boundary File (WAB2023Q1DEC27)

12/23/2022 WY Boundary File (WYB2023Q1DEC19)

12/21/2022 MI Rate File (MIR2023Q1DEC22)

12/21/2022 VT Rate File (VTR2023Q1DEC21)

12/21/2022 NE Boundary File (NEB2023Q1DEC20)

12/21/2022 AR Boundary File (ARB2023Q1DEC20)

12/19/2022 GA Rate File (GAR2023Q1DEC19)

12/14/2022 WY Rate File (WYR2023Q1Dec14)

12/9/2022 SD Boundary File (SDB2023Q1DEC9)

12/8/2022 VT Rate and Boundary Files (VTR2023Q1DEC08 and VTB2023Q1DEC08)

12/7/2022 KS Boundary and Alternate Boundary Files (KSB2023Q1DEC07 and KSA2023Q1DEC07)

12/5/2022 AR Rate and Boundary Files (ARR2023Q1DEC5 and ARB2023Q1DEC5)

12/5/2022 NE Rate and Boundary Files (NER2023Q1DEC05 and NEB2023Q1DEC05)

12/2/2022 KS Boundary File (KSB2023Q1DEC02)

12/2/2022 KS Alternate Boundary File (KSA2023Q1DEC02)

12/2/2022 OK Boundary File (OKB2023Q1DEC02)


11/30/2022 2023 1st Quarter Rate and Boundary Files


11/10/2022 VT Boundary File (VTB2022Q4NOV09)

11/8/2022 VT Boundary File (VTB2022Q4NOV07)

11/8/2022 OK Boundary File (OKB2022A4NOV04)

11/3/2022 NE Boundary File (NEB2022Q4NOV02)

10/13/2022 OK Rate File (OKR2022Q4OCT13)

10/11/2022 SD Rate and Boundary Files (SDR2022Q4OCT11 and SDB2022Q4OCT7)

10/6/2022 VT Boundary File (VTB2022Q4OCT6)

10/6/2022 TN Rate File (TNR2022Q4SEP30)

9/29/2022 NE Boundary File (NEB2022Q4SEP29)

9/28/2022 VT Boundary File (VTB2022Q4SEP27)

9/23/2022 TN Boundary Files (went back to TNB2022Q1JAN20)

9/23/2022 OK Rate and Boundary Files (OKB2022Q4SEP23 and OKB2022Q4SEP12)

9/23/2022 VT Rate and Boundary Files (VTB2022Q4SEP23 and VTR2022Q4SEP23)

9/16/2022 VT Rate and Boundary Files (VTB2022Q4SEP16 and VTR2022Q4SEP16)

9/12/2022 GA Boundary File (GAB2022Q4SEP09)

9/12/2022 NE Boundary File (NEB2022Q4SEP08)

9/6/2022 NE Rate and Boundary Files (NER2022Q4SEP02, NEB2022Q4SEP02)

9/6/2022 TN Boundary File TNB2022Q4SEP02)

9/6/2022 OK Boundary File (OKB2022Q4SEP2)

9/6/2022 SD Rate File (SDR2022Q4SEP02)

9/2/2022 GA Rate File (GAR2022Q4SEP02)

9/2/2022 KS Rate and Boundary Files (KSR2022Q4SEP02 and KSB2022Q4SEP02)


9/1/2022 2022 4th Quarter Rate and Boundary Files


9/1/2022 NE Boundary File (NEB2022Q3AUG29)

8/15/2022 OK Boundary File (OKB2022Q3AUG12)
8/1/2022 NE Boundary File (NEB2022Q3JUL26)
6/29/2022 GA Rate File (GAR2022Q3JUN29)

6/6/2022 OK Rate File (OKR2022Q3JUN03)

6/6/2022 NE Rate and Boundary Files (NER2022Q3JUN06 and NEB2022Q3JUN06)

6/3/2022 WY Rate File (WYR2022Q3JUN3)
6/2/2022 AR Rate and Boundary Files (ARR2022Q3MAY31 and ARB2022Q3MAY31)

6/2/2022 UT Rate and Boundary Files (UTR2022Q3JUN01 and UTB2022Q3JUN01)
6/2/2022 SD Rate File (SDR2022Q3JUN01)
6/2/2022 WA Rate and Boundary files (WAR2022Q3MAY27 and WAR2022Q3MAY27)

6/1/2022 2022 3rd Quarter Rate and Boundary Files


5/11/2022 NE Boundary File (NEB2022Q2MAY10)
4/28/2022 NE Boundary File (NEB2022Q2APR27)

4/25/2022 NE Boundary File (NEB2022Q2APR22)
4/19/2022 SD Boundary File (SDB2022Q2APR19)
4/18/2022 NE Boundary File (NEB2022Q2APR18)
3/28/2022 OK Boundary File (OKB2022Q2MAR27)

3/7/22 AR Rate and Boundary Files (ARR2022Q2MAR07 and ARB2022Q2MAR07)


3/1/2022 2022 2nd Quarter Rate and Boundary Files


1/26/2022 ND Rate File (NDR2022Q1JAN26)

1/21/2022 TN Boundary File (TNB2022Q1JAN20)

1/6/2022 NE Boundary File (NEB2022Q1JAN6)
12/6/2021 ND Rate File (NDR2022Q1DEC6)


12/2/2021 2022 1st Quarter Rate and Boundary Files


9/20/2021 AR Rate and Boundary Files (ARR2021Q4SEP20 and ARB2021Q4SEP20)

9/20/2021 NE Boundary File (NEB2021Q4SEP20)
9/15/2021 KS Boundary File (KSB2021Q4SEP15)

9/13/2021 ND Rate File (NDR2021Q4SEP13)

9/13/2021 KS Rate File (KSR2021Q4SEP10)

9/3/2021 NE Boundary File (NEB2021Q4SEP03)

9/1/2021 NE Rate File (NER2021Q4SEP01)

9/1/2021 OK Rate File (OKR2021Q4SEP01)


9/1/2021 2021 4th Quarter Rate and Boundary Files


8/12/2021 SD Boundary File Reverted to SD2020Q4AUG31

8/11/2021 SD Boundary File (SD2021Q3AUG10) (do not use)

7/30/2021 SD Boundary File Reverted to SD2021Q3MAY31(do not use)

7/29/2021 SD Boundary File (SD2021Q3JUL29) (do not use)

7/29/2021 SD Boundary File (SD2021Q3JUL29) (do not use)

7/28/2021 SD Boundary File (SD2021Q3JUL28) (do not use)

7/23/2021 NE Boundary File (NE2021Q3JUL23)

7/21/2021 SD Boundary File (SD2021Q3JUL21) (do not use)

7/20/2021 NE Boundary File (NE2021Q3JUL20)

7/19/2021 NE Boundary File (NEB2021Q3JUL19)

7/1/2021 WA Rate and Boundary Files (WAR2021Q3JUN30 and WAB2021Q3JUN30)

6/28/2021 IA Boundary File (IAB2021Q3JUN25)

6/16/2021 OK Boundary File (OKB2021Q3JUN16)

6/15/2021 OK Boundary File (OKB2021Q3JUN14)

6/14/2021 IA Boundary File (IAB2021Q3JUN10)

6/7/2021 NE Boundary File (NEB2021Q3JUN07)

6/7/2021 OK Boundary File (OKB2021Q3JUN07)


6/1/2021 2021 3rd Quarter Rate and Boundary Files


4/14/2021 NE Boundary File (NEB2021Q2APR14)
3/21/2021 ND Boundary File (NDB2021Q2MAR29)
3/25/2021 OK Boundary File (OKB2021Q2MAR24)
3/22/2021 NE Boundary File (NEB2021Q2MAR22)
3/18/2021 NV Boundary File (NVB2021Q2MAR18)
3/18/2021 NE Boundary File (NEB2021Q2MAR18)
3/15/2021 NE Boundary File (NEB2021Q2MAR15)
3/12/2021 OK Rate File (OKR2021Q2MAR11) and Boundary File (OKB2021Q2MAR11)
3/5/2021 OK Boundary File (OKB2021Q2MAR04)
3/4/2021 TN Boundary File (TNB2021Q2MAR04)
3/4/2021 NE Boundary File (NEB2021Q2MAR04)
3/3/2021 TN Boundary File (TNB2021Q2MAR03)
3/3/2021 KS Boundary File (KSB2021Q2MAR1)
3/2/2021 NE Boundary File (NEB2021Q2MAR02)
3/1/2021 WA Rate File (WAR2021Q2FEB26) and Boundary File (WAB2021Q2FEB26)
2/26/2021 NE Rate File (NER2021Q2FEB26) and Boundary File (NEB2021Q2FEB26)

02/26/2021 2021 2nd Quarter Rate and Boundary Files

2/17/2021 NE Boundary File (NEB2021Q1FEB17)
1/20/2021 NE Boundary File (NEB2021Q1JAN20)
1/19/2021 NE Boundary File (NEB2021Q1JAN19)
1/13/2021 OH Boundary File (OHB2021Q1JAN13)
1/11/2021 OH Rate File (OHR2021Q1JAN11) and Boundary File (OHB2021Q1JAN11)
1/6/2021 TN Boundary File (TNB2021Q1JAN06)
1/4/2021 NE Rate File (NER2021Q1JAN04)
12/11/2020 OK Boundary File (OKB2021Q1DEC11) and Rate File (OKR2021Q1DEC08)
12/9/2020 NE Boundary File (NEB2021Q1DEC9)
12/4/2020 NC Boundary File (NCB2021Q1DEC3)


11/30/2020 2021 1st Quarter Rate and Boundary Files

Rate and Boundary File updates January 2018 through December 2020

Rate and Boundary File updates January 2016 through December 2017

Rate and Boundary File updates January 2008 through December 2015

Access to Files

Boundary Files

Rate Files


State sales tax rates and links to local rates
(included on State Contact List)

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Rate and Boundary Files Questions

Email registration@sstgb.org or contact Jim Romano at jim.romano@sstgb.org or call 405-779-7702