CSP Applicants


If you are interested in becoming a Certified Service Provider (CSP), please send an email to the SSTGB Executive Director indicating your interest.

The Executive Director will notify the Certification Committee Chair and appropriate SST IT staff and send you the application to complete and return.

Upon receipt of the completed application, the Executive Director, Certification Committee Chair, SST IT staff and a subcommittee of Certification Committee members will review the application for completeness and determine if the application should move forward.  If so, the applicant and the states will be notified and the time line stated in Appendix A related to system testing will begin.

Review all CSP Requirements and Processes documents to become familiar with the CSP Requirements.



CSP Requirements and Processes Documents


1.  Appendix A- SST Certification Process for Certified Service Providers

2.  Appendix C - Minimum CSP Standards

3.  Appendix E - Testing Process for Certified Service Providers and Automated Systems

4.  Appendix F - SST Reports

5.  Appendix G - Certification Standards

6.  SSTGB Rules, Article V



FAQs - about Certified Service Providers

Audit FAQs

Are there differences in audits of sellers that use a CSP and those that don't?
What is personally identifiable information?
Will a seller that contracts with a CSP be audited by all states?

CSP Compensation FAQs

Can a seller's status change for purposes of CSP compensation?
Does a CSP get compensation for use tax a seller reports through the CSP on items the seller uses?
Does a CSP get compensation if the taxes are not remitted to the state by the due date?
Does a remote seller qualify for free CSP services?
Is there a monetary allowance for CAS users?


How does the CSP remit the tax collected from sellers?