Certified Providers

The following providers are certified by the Streamlined Sales Tax Governing Board.

**Exactor CSP system is certified by the Streamlined States, but they are not currently offering free services under Streamlined's CSP program.



Effective January 1, 2024, Avior will be under contract with the Streamlined Sales Tax Governing Board as a Certified Service Provider.

Avior offers businesses an end-to-end solution for managing sales tax automation by connecting to your e-commerce store checkout page, creating a seamless customer experience.

With ever-changing tax rules and regulations, it becomes challenging to be compliant with government requirements. We at Avior can assist you by offering a real-time sales tax determination platform that will automatically calculate your tax amount in the background and apply it to the invoice during the checkout process.

In addition to real-time tax calculation, Avior offers cart integration plug-ins, state registration, tax filing, tax payment, nexus tracking, exemption certificates, license management, and audit support.

To get in touch, click here: https://suttax.avior.tax/contact.

Email: sales@avior.tax

Website: https://suttax.avior.tax

Phone: (972) 535-4506